ZBB 2012, 331

RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln 0936-2800 Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft ZBB 2012 AufsätzeKern Alexander*

Bank Capital Management and Macro-prudential Regulation

The article analyses bank capital management from a risk management and regulatory perspective. It does so by discussing how financial innovation created systemic risks in the wholesale capital markets prior to the recent financial crisis and how bank economic capital management failed to identify and control these risks. It discusses how micro-prudential regulation is inadequate in itself to control systemic risks and how bank capital regulation is changing to a macro-prudential model. The article suggests that macro-prudential regulation will pose significant challenges for bank risk management and lead to major changes in bank corporate governance.


  • I. Introduction
  • II. Financial innovation and the risks
  • III. The Demise of micro-prudential regulation
    • 1. Bank risk management
    • 2. Balance Sheet Management and bank capital
    • 3. Economic Capital Management
    • 4. Regulatory Capital Management
  • IV. Basel II/III and Regulatory Capital Management
  • V. Basel III and beyond
  • VI. Macro-prudential regulation in practice
  • VII. Shadow banking
  • VIII. CRD IV and macro-prudential tools
  • IX. Conclusion
Professor, Chair for Law and Finance, University of Zurich. The paper is based on a lecture the author held at the Conference “Banken in der Krise – Herausforderungen an Recht und Ökonomik” at the University of Konstanz, Germany, on 27th April 2012.

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