ZBB 2000, 189
Constraints on the Power to Issue Shares in England and Wales
- I. Introduction
- II. Statutory Controls
- 1. Authorised Capital
- 2. Directorsʼ Authority to Allot Shares
- 2.1 Exceptions
- 2.2 Remedies
- 3. Pre-emption Rights
- 3.1 Preference Shares and Employeesʼ Shares
- 3.2 Other Than Cash
- 3.3 Private Companies
- 3.4 Disapplication
- 3.5 Shareholder Protection
- III. Non-Statutory Controls
- 1. London Stock Exchange Listing Rules
- 1.1 Shareholder Approval
- 1.2 Selling Pre-emption Rights
- 1.3 Disregarding Pre-emption Rights
- 1.4 Groups of Companies
- 1.5 Shareholder Protection
- 2. Institutional Investor Guidelines
- 3. City Code
- IV. Judicial Controls on the Power to Issue Shares
- 1. Contractual Approach
- 2. Fiduciary Duties
- 2.1 Decision-Making Process
- 2.1.1 Self-Interest
- 2.1.2 Genuine
- 2.1.3 Considering the Interests of the Company
- 2.1.4 Third Party Interests
- 2.2 Improper Purposes
- 2.2.1 Background
- 2.2.2 Grounds of Challenge
- 2.2.3 First Instance
- 2.2.4 The Nature of the Inquiry
- 2.2.5 Proper Purposes: An Objective Assessment?
- 2.2.6 Problems with the Inquiry
- 2.2.7 Determining the Purpose
ZBB 2000, 190
- 2.2.8 Substantial Purpose
- 2.2.9 Business Judgment
- 2.3 (Wholly) Unreasonable
- V. The Nature of the Right
- 1. Personal or Corporate?
- 1.1 Personal Right
- 1.2 Personal Right Subject to Ratification?
- 1.3 Corporate Right
- 1.4 Personal or Corporate Right?
- 2. Minority Shareholder Protection
- 3. Unfair Prejudice
- VI. Summary and Conclusion
- *
- *)B. A. (Oxon.), M. A. (Lond.), solicitor, England and Wales, Jena/London.
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