ZBB 2014, 96
Issuers obligations under the new Market Abuse Regulation and the proposed ESMA guideline regime: a brief overview
- I. Introduction and main conclusions
- II. The notion of inside information and the duty to disclose under MAR
- 1. The notion of inside information
- 2. The duty to disclose and the conditions of the delay
- 3. The procedure of the delay
- 4. Rumours
- 5. Market soundings
- III. Insider lists
- 1. Scope and exemptions
- 2. Content of insider lists
- 3. Acknowledgement in writing
- IV. Managers’ transactions
- 1. Who has the duty to notify
- 2. Content of notifications
- 3. Timing of notifications
- 4. Thresholds
- 5. Notification to the Competent Authority and to the market
- 6. Trading Window
- *
- *)Assonime and Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome
- **
- **)Assonime and PhD Student at the Verona University
- ***
- ***)Assonime
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