ZBB 2024, 70
Cross-Border Bank Resolutions and its Challenges
- I. Introductory Remarks
- 1. Resolution regimes and the recent financial turmoil
- 2. Key factors underlying the recent financial turmoil
- 3. Analytical roadmap on cross-border resolution issues
- 4. The EU resolution regime and the CMDI Proposal
- 5. Foreseable outcome of the CMDI Proposal
- II. G-SIBS – Multi-Jurisdictional Groups and Critical Issues of Resolution Planning
- 1. Scope of intervention of the SRB and cross-border resolution issues
- 2. Cross-border issues pertaining to resolution planning
- 3. Coordination between different jurisdictions
- 4. Resolution planning and bilateral agreements involving different jurisdictions
- III. A Particular Case Study – Cooperative Banks
- 1. Diversity of the European banking system – the case of cooperative banks
- 2. Particularities of cooperative banking groups and cross-border resolution issues
- 3. Supranational networks of cooperative banks
- IV. Critical issues of bail in in scenarios involving different jurisdictions
- 1. Preliminary considerations
- 2. Bail-in and suspension of dealings of securities
- 2.1 Bail-in of debt issued under the law of another jurisdiction
- 2.2 Write-down of equity and CSDs
- 2.3 Resolution funding
- V. Concluding remarks
- *
- *)Professor of Lisbon Law University (FDUL); Jean Monnet Chair (Economic Regulation in the EU); Chairman CIRSF (Research Centre on Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector); Vice Chair of Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board/SRB; Chair of the Supervisory Council of the Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF). Attorney-at-law (Founder and managing partner of LSM Advogados, Law Firm, based in Lisbon).
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